19/10/2021 by Starry Kong

I had a dream today:

I went back to my hometown to take care of my grandpa before everything happened.

He was still healthy, he only had a cough sometimes.

I asked him to drink 5 cups of water every day to help him recover soon.

I started to think he could escape from death this time,

and felt a bit relieved.

But suddenly I woke up,

and realised everything was in vain.

27/06/2021 by Starry Kong

‘it feels like i’m watching my life happen through a fuzzy television screen. i feel far away from this world. almost foreign in this body. as if every happy memory has been wiped clean from the bowl of my mind. i close my eyes and i can’t remember what happy feels like. my chest collapses into my stomach knowing that i have to get up in the morning and pretend i’m not fading away all over again. i want to reach out and touch things. i want to feel them touch me back. i want to live. i want the vitality of my life back.’

—— rupi kaur <home body>

06/04/2021 by Starry Kong


things are not like what you thought:

‘What has passed is the past, life is completely new’.

It may have already corroded your body, your soul,

become the trauma, like a tumour. 

Then it comes out without any precaution, into your nightmare,

and let you experience the pain,

again and again and again. 








